
Forge is a Lua scriptable build tool that tracks dependencies between files, uses relative timestamps to determine which are out of date, and carries out actions to bring those files up to date.


Copy {bar,baz,foo}.in to output/{bar,baz,foo}.out:

local toolset = require 'forge' {
    output = root( 'output' );

toolset:all {
    toolset:Copy '${output}/%1.out' {

The Lua script that defines the Copy target used in the Lua-based domain specific language above is defined as follows:

local Copy = PatternRule( 'Copy' );

function Copy.build( toolset, target )
    rm( target );
    cp( target, target:dependency() );

return Copy;

Execute the build by running forge from a directory within the project:

$ forge


This user guide is a work in progress. If you see a mistake please open an issue. Thank you!