

function Toolset( values )

Calling a toolset defines the initial settings values in the toolset.


  • values settings used to override toolset defaults


The created toolset or nothing if the toolset fails to initialize.



function Toolset.configure( toolset, toolset_settings )

The configure() function is used to generate per-machine settings for the toolset that are changed infrequently (e.g. detecting the paths to executables used by the build).

The configure() function is free to execute whatever Lua script and/or external processes it needs to detect its required settings. For example the msvc toolset will look for Microsoft Visual C++ compilers to be installed by executing the vswhere tool and parsing its output.

The configuration returned from the configure() function is written to the local_settings.lua file in the project root directory. This file should be ignored and left out of version control.


  • toolset the first toolset needing to configure the toolset
  • toolset_settings settings used to override toolset defaults


A table containing per-machine settings for the toolset.


function Toolset.install( toolset )

The install() function explicitly installs the rules and default settings for the toolset.


  • toolset the toolset to install rules and default settings in


function Toolset.initialize( toolset )

The initialize() function initializes a toolset for use. Typically this means adding rules and default settings to the toolset. Initialization runs at least once per toolset per build.


  • toolset the toolset to initialize


True if initialization was successful otherwise false.


function Toolset.validate( toolset, toolset_settings )

The validate() function returns true if previously generated per-machine configuration for the module is still valid or false if it is invalid.

The validate() function is called for every build. Each toolset is validated before it is initialized to make sure that the tools that it expects are still available in the directories that were configured in the configuration step.

Toolsets that fail validation typically don’t register any toolsets with Forge and thus anything built with them quietly fails. This behaviour can be overridden by asserting that particular toolsets are available or that particular module validation is successful by calling validate() explicitly and that it returns true.


  • toolset the toolset to validate
  • toolset_settings the settings to validate


True if the settings are valid otherwise false.



function Toolset.create( toolset, settings )

Create a new toolset optionally initializing its settings to settings.


function Toolset.clone( toolset, settings )

Create a new toolset initializing its settings by copying settings from toolset and settings. Settings are copied from toolset and then settings so that values from the latter take precedence.


function Toolset.inherit( toolset, settings )

Create a new toolset initializing its settings by inheriting settings from toolset and overriding by settings. Settings are inherited from toolset and overridden by values in settings.


function Toolset.append( toolset, values, value )

Append value to values. If value is a table then all of its array elements are appended to values. Otherwise value itself is appended to values.


function Toolset.merge( toolset, destination, source )

Merge fields with string keys from source to destination.


function Toolset.defaults( toolset, destination, source )

Set fields in that aren’t already set in destination to values from source.


function Toolset.interpolate( toolset, template, variables )

Return template substituted with values from variables, the settings of toolset, the fields and functions of toolset, global variables, and finally environment variables.


function Toolset.dependencies_filter( toolset, target )

Return a dependencies filter to add dependencies to target. The returned function can be passed to execute() to automatically detect and add implicit dependencies to target when it is built.


function Toolset.dependencies_filter( toolset, target )

Return a filename filter to add output filenames and implicit dependencies to target. The returned function can be passed to execute() to automatically detect and add both output filenames and implicit dependencies to target when it is built.


function Toolset.platform_matches( toolset, pattern )

Return true if the platform field of toolset settings matches pattern.


function Toolset.cpdir( toolset, destination, source, variables )

Recursively copy files from source to destination. Both source and destination are interpolated before use with the variables optionally passed in variables. Values for interpolation are looked up as per Toolset.interpolate().


function Toolset.which( toolset, filename, paths )

Return the first file named filename that exists at a directory listed in paths or nothing if no such file is found.

The filename variable is interpolated and any variables referenced with the ${} syntax are expanded. See Toolset:interpolate() for details.

Searching is not performed when filename is an absolute path. In this case filename is returned immediately if it names an existing file. Otherwise if there is no such file then nothing is returned.

The paths variable can be a string containing a : or ; delimited list of paths or a table containing those paths. If paths is nil then its default value is set to that returned by os.getenv('PATH').


function Toolset.all( toolset, dependencies )

Return the all target for the current working directory adding any targets that are passed in dependencies as dependencies.


function Toolset.File( toolset, identifier, rule )

Define a generated file. It doesn’t generally appear in buildfiles but is used internally to expand other targets during the build.


function Toolset.SourceFile( toolset, identifier )

Defines a source file that must exist. It doesn’t generally appear in buildfiles but is used internally to expand other targets during the build.


function Toolset.Target( toolset, identifier, rule )


function Toolset.Directory( toolset, identifier )

Define a directory. It doesn’t generally appear in buildfiles but is used internally as an ordering dependency of all generated to files to ensure that directories are created before output files are written to them.


function Toolset.Copy( toolset, pattern )

Define a copy target that copies files.


function Toolset.CopyDirectory( toolset, identifier )

Define a copy directory target that recursively copies a directory hierarchy.