
Commands are the high-level steps taken in a build, e.g. build, clean, install etc. They are implemented as global functions within Lua defined once the build script has finished executing.

Run commands by passing them on the command line when invoking forge. The commands functions are called with no arguments. Pass parameters by setting variables on the command line, these variables are set as global variables within Lua that the command function can then access. Order of commands and variables on the command line is important, variables must be set on the command line before any commands that use them.

A command function is expected to return the number of errors that occured during the command or nothing at all.

Build Command

The default build command provided by Forge:

-- Provide global build command.
function build()
    local target = find_initial_target( goal );
    local failures = prepare( target ) + postorder( target, build_visit );
    printf( "forge: default (build)=%dms", math.ceil(ticks()) );
    return failures;

The build_visit() function that visits each target in a build pass calls the build() function for each outdated target that provides it. In this way outdated targets are built and brought up to date:

-- Visit a target by calling a member function "build" if it exists and 
-- setting that Target's built flag to true if the function returns with
-- no errors.
function build_visit( target )
    if target:outdated() then
        local build_function =;
        if build_function then 
            local success, error_message = pcall( build_function, target.toolset, target );
            target:set_built( success );
            if not success then 
                clean_visit( target );
                assert( success, error_message );
            target:set_built( true );

Reconfigure Command

Commands don’t need to process the dependency graph. They can be a convenient place to put scripts relating to the build. For example the reconfigure command removes the local_settings.lua file in which automatically detected settings are cached:

-- Provide global reconfigure command.
function reconfigure()
    local cache_directory = forge.cache_directory;
    local filename = cache_directory and root( ('%s/local_settings.lua'):format(cache_directory) ) or root( 'local_settings.lua' );
    rm( filename );
    return 0;

Default Command

The default command, invoked when no other commands are provided on the command line, is the build command. This is specified indirectly as default() but can be overridden by defining default() from the build script:

-- Provide global default command that calls through to `build()`.
function default()
    return build();

Compound Commands

Commands can call other commands. The install command for Forge builds the project by calling build() before copying the required files to the install destination specified by prefix:

function install()
    prefix = prefix and root( prefix ) or home( 'forge' );
    local failures = build();
    if failures == 0 then 
        toolset:cpdir( '${prefix}/bin', '${bin}' );
        toolset:cpdir( '${prefix}/lua', 'src/forge/lua' );